RGA Competitions - To see a list of all entrants for the next RGA competition click on the link below.
To enter a competition, select either ENTER MEMBER or ENTER GUEST as appropriate and follow instructions. Guests must be sponsored by a member so please do not enter as a guest if not sponsored. If you are new to LMC and wish to participate please e mail lmcrga.compsec@gmail.com. On completion of entry, select ENTER and check name has been recorded on list of entrants.
If you need to cancel an entry or for any special requirements please email lmcrga.compsec@gmail.com.
Whilst we expect all members to have a RFEG (Real Federacion Espanola de Golf) handicap please advise the handicap of any guest who does not have one. The latest RFEG handicap will be verified the day before the competition.
When entering your name please make your menu choice and your seating plan if appropriate.
Competition details, start sheets etc will only be published on this website a day or so before the competition.
Since we must cancel any unwanted tee times, please let the Competition Secretary know at least 48 hours in advance, otherwise you may be charged for the value of the tee time by Golf Administration.
Please pay the appropriate entry fee by bank transfer when entering the competition. Bank account details are CAIXABANK: IBAN: ES54 2100 4369 9307 0028 6445.
The entry fee for the January 2025 event is 37€ for members and 42€ for guests.
Cancellation Policy - Refunds are at the sole discretion of the restaurant depending on the amount of notice given and
therefore is not an RGA Committee decision.
Competitions Open for Entries:
Closed Competitions:
The following competitions are closed but can be viewed for information. Click on the View button.